From women to women
It’s personal for us. It’s personal for you. We all have unique stories. Read about why women at Centrum are committed to help women during the menopause transition.
Almost every woman will experience menopause differently, most won’t talk about the experience, and many will be fed misinformation without having a way to validate what they’re hearing. It’s just not right.
For African American women like me it can be even worse. On average, we experience menopause earlier for a longer duration and at times with more severe symptoms. I’ve been waiting since I entered my forties for my doctor to start a conversation on the topic. It hasn’t happened yet.
That’s why I’m especially excited about the work we’re doing at Centrum. I’m proud that we’ve launched a suite of products to support women’s varied needs. And I’m even prouder that we’re creating a resource of vetted tools, tips and information that make it OK to talk about our unique experiences. I plan to use the tools provided to guide my discussion with my doctor in my next check-up.
It broke my heart recently when a friend told me the advice she got from family members was to “just deal with it” like they had. I want to tell everyone. You don’t have to just deal with it. Get educated.
Find resources you can trust, start talking about it, learn and help others.
Centrum is the most clinically studied multivitamin in the world. We believe in science and research. And we’ve applied the same rigor to our new menopause resources. We very carefully curated content we know consumers need and coupled it with the support we know women are craving.
I think of menopause as a celebration of shared history, knowledge and life and I hope with the products and resources Centrum is offering every woman can step into the menopause journey with pride.
I have been lucky to find women in the workplace who have supported me through important ups and downs in my career and life. Sharing those experiences and feeling heard has lifted me up and motivated me. Imagine if menopause was normalized and women could talk about it freely in the workplace, building community and sharing experiences just like we do at other points in our lives.
From my experience, this is starting to happen. As my generation (Gen X) moves into menopause, the topic is becoming more mainstream.
There’s greater comfort with talking about the symptoms and how to address them.
I’m appreciative of this more ’real’ and open dialogue that pulls back the curtain and enables honest conversation.
It’s one of the reasons I’m proud to be part of the Centrum team. Helping people live better lives longer is a goal at Centrum, which means that our products are held to a high bar. The ingredients, claims, and promises the brand makes are investigated and validated not just by scientists, nutritionists, and medical professionals – but also by real women who may take the products themselves and recommend them to family and friends.
This may sound funny, but I like to remind myself that there’s a positive side to menopause: it means we’re lucky enough to live to this age. That doesn’t, though, negate the challenges and disruptions experienced by almost every woman going through menopause. It can often be a lonely time as women have unique symptoms and are impacted differently.
I’m so glad the stigma is finally breaking and that menopause is being talked about
—and SO proud to be part of the team developing much-needed support for women! Centrum is all about helping consumers take charge of their health, and these resources can do just that. We women don’t have to suffer through this alone—amazing things happen when we come together.
The irony of menopause is that it has a profound impact on peoples’ lives but those same people are hesitant to talk about it and ask questions.
I get it. It can be really hard to talk about such personal things.
Centrum is aiming to change this dynamic with the launch of “Menopause Support Site.” Building on the brand’s commitment and understanding of issues facing women, the site provides valuable, comprehensive information and insights for every stage of menopause. This new resource will help women embrace menopause with confidence and enjoy this new chapter in their lives.
For so many women, menopause is a very lonely time. There are still so many stigmas, embarrassments and misconceptions leading to barriers to menopause care. Both my grandmother and mother suffered from early onset menopause – in their 30s – and I remember being a child and being devastated watching them suffer through many symptoms for almost a decade.
That personal experience is one of the reasons I’m proud to be working in consumer healthcare. With our trusted science, high quality products and the impact we have on the industry, we can improve the menopause experience.
I want all women to know that menopause is nothing to be embarrassed about. It’s a natural part of aging and there are many ways to get answers to questions.
Science has improved so much and there are even drug-free solutions to help with menopause symptoms.
This may sound silly, but from my own experience working at the company, I know Centrum cares. Research and science went into the development of our new products and we partnered with experts in their fields to provide women with information and a community where they can ask questions and share their stories.